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Extreme newbie needs opinions....
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Author:  johnwalkerwaldsmith [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Extreme newbie needs opinions....

Im going off to roberto venn luthiery school in a couple months and need some opinions from you guys....

I built the pictured guitar in 10th grade.. almost 7 years ago, needs lots of electronic and set up repair but will work great once they show me how to do this setup stuff..... now the question is should i build a guitar or bass for my electric part of the class? I mainly play acoustic anymore so i dont need another electric and i was wondering if there is more to learn from one or the other or if there generaly the same?? input would be great... i do realize its more a preferece question but ive never built a bass...... so im split

Author:  mateo4x4 [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme newbie needs opinions....

Oh my...a good question indeed! :-) I have only built modified and/or custom designs (electrics I mean) so I can only speak from limited experience, but here it goes.

There will be some differences between a bass and a regular guitar (er, 6, whatever you want to call it :D ) The body will need to handle different stress levels/loads, the electronics will differ and the scale and neck dimensions will be longer. Other than that, I am not really clear on any massive differences that will effect your learning experience. One thing to keep in mind...bass players tend to be more forgiving of radical design changes and experimental looks/feels. Browse through the messages on this board and you will find some fantastic, and different looking basses. Regular guitars? Not so many weird designs out there.

Oh...keep in mind, the school may 'inform you' as to what you will be building. :)

Again, this is totally my personal taste, and from a rather limited experience perspective, but given the choice I think I would do a bass with an experimental design or a traditional 6 string (Les Paul style maybe?).


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